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Discover Malta with Qawra Point

The village of Qawra is located in the northern part of Malta, along its coastline and is part of a cluster of villages that includes Bugibba and St. Paul’s Bay.

Qawra is known for its salt pans, referred to as is-Salini. Qawra is a very popular location for tourists, both for families with children as well as couples of all ages.

Points of Interest in Qawra Ta Fra Ben Beach is a great place to go for a swim although there are no sandy areas. It is also a great place for snorkelling with crystal clear water and interesting underwater views of local marine life. The National Aquarium is located nearby Ta Fra Ben and is a fairly recent addition to the area. Here you can see some local and foreign sea life and even enjoy some lunch or dinner at its restaurant.

If you are a car enthusiast then the Malta Classic Car Museum is definitely worth a visit. It is not uncommon to come across antique cars that still drive around in Malta and the museum’s collected a number of models for permanent display. On the edge of Qawra, towards the South of the wider area of St. Paul’s Bay you can find Salina National Park and Kennedy Grove. Nearby, you can also find the salt pans Is-Salini and a Bird Park which houses a variety of local bird species.

Nightlife The nightlife in Qawra consists mostly of pubs and bars and only has one nightclub that doubles as a lido during the day. Cafe Del Mar, which is part of the National Aquarium Complex, is a popular establishment that serves as a lido during the day and often hosts parties during the evening.

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